Collaboration between Shopping Mall Property Management Company and Its Tenants to Promote ESG 

With the increasing global emphasis on sustainable development and social responsibility, ESG has become an important indicator of corporate success. As a shopping mall property management company, establishing ESG development directions, strategies, and content early can strengthen the company and adapt to changes over time, achieving sustainable development. We are honored to invite major malls to collaborate with us to promote ESG.


Our collaboration plan includes but is not limited to the following:


1. Tenants Join the "ESG Pledge"
ESG is a significant management concept that applies not only to large enterprises but also to shopping mall tenants. Implementing ESG can improve tenant customer satisfaction. Joining the "ESG Pledge" is the simplest way to implement ESG, through signing the pledge and setting action commitments to enhance ESG performance. Participating tenants will receive an ESG Pledge certificate, electronic logo, and stickers to display in shop windows, glass doors, company websites, business cards, and advertisements. The more tenants that join the ESG Pledge and implement ESG measures, the more successful the mall can be, enhancing its image, promotion, and volume of customers.


2. Shopping Mall Property Management Company Joins the ESG Advocator
Mall management companies can recommend more tenants and partners to join the ESG Pledge. If they participate and become an advocate company, they will receive gold diamond, silver diamond, gold, or silver special recognition certificates based on the number of recommended sign-ups during the annual ceremony. They can be recognized as a gold diamond ESG mall, promote the mall to a higher level.


3. ESG Pledge and Shopping Mall Co-organize ESG Events to Enhance Recognition
The ESG Pledge Secretriat can co-organize ESG events with malls as a third-party participant to enhance recognition. Events may include: 1) Environmental Protection: Energy audits, reducing plastic use, reducing food waste, etc. 2) Social Responsibility: Encouraging tenants to participate in "Happiness-at-work Promotional Scheme",  organizing charity bazaars, health activities, multicultural events, etc. 3) Governance: Providing the latest governance information to help tenants improve company operations.


4.  Shopping Mall Participates in ESG Awards*
Shopping Mall can further participate in the Hong Kong ESG Awards. In the past year, some property management companies have won ESG awards, setting a good example in the industry. We look forward to more companies and even malls winning awards in the new year.


Interested parties please call Ms Cheung and Ms Mui of ESG Pledge Secretariat:


Tel: 2542 5710